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Commonly used acronyms on Amber

inFeedo avatar
Written by inFeedo
Updated over a year ago
  1. OVX 😊- OVX stands for ‘Overall Experience’. This is the first question Amber asks an employee on any chat and is also called the “Mood Question” on the dashboard.

  2. WWW ✅- WWW is commonly used by Amber to highlight ‘What’s Working Well’ basis her findings from employee conversations.

  3. AOI 🚨- AOI is used by Amber to indicate ‘Areas Of Improvement’. These are focus areas where attention is needed to drive employee engagement.

  4. RR ⚡- This is the acronym used for the metric ‘Response Rate’ which is a measure of how responsive employees are to Amber.

  5. ES 🌐- This is an acronym for ‘Engagement Score’ which is one of the key metrics as part of the Tenure module and helps you understand how engaged your employees are.

  6. PTM 💔- Amber flags / highlights disengaged employees as ‘People To Meet’ or PTM on the dashboard. These are employees who need to be met or whose concerns need to be addressed.

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